The hiring game or how Gamification can change the way you manage talent

Alejandro Morales
2 min readFeb 20, 2018


One of the biggest challenges that companies face nowadays is how to find and retain talent in a highly competitive and changing global market. This becomes specially important when it comes to the very demanding millennial workforce, like we talked in one of our previous posts.

In this context, it has become essential for HR experts to move beyond the conventional approach of talent hunting, and more so, talent keeping. Recent surveys show how very few employees are truly committed to the goals of the organization they work for but, is this really their fault?

The subject is complex and there are always many sides to this story, but it certainly seems very unlikely for any company to achieve success in this digital era without trying new ways to engage and encourage their teams.

So, what are the secrets for succeeding at this challenging task? One of the big trends in this scenario is Gamification, or in other words, the use of game design elements in non-game contexts.

According to a recent MarketsandMarkets research, by the end of 2017, 70% of Global 2000 companies will be using Gamification in their business, and the market will be worth $5.7 billion by 2018.

But how does all this really apply in the HR world?

We have some examples that you can check out in the original article posted in our company’s blog: The Hiring Game or How Gamification Can Change the Way You Manage Talent.



Alejandro Morales

CEO at CRM Gamified, where we aim to help companies recognize, reward and motivate their people by using gamification techniques.